Friday, December 30, 2022

PM Videocast #41 Michael Beckett - Colchester Foodbank charity's CEOCo-Produced by Philemonday Agency and MyVoiceUK

Credits Music : J.W. MooreSources : © Philemonday Ltd. © MyVoiceUK Ltd.

December. 2022

Mariette Richardson BA Hons Performance Coach IoD Ambassador Digital and Creative Industries. Mariette is a professional performance coach, concentrating on improving appearing on camera as well as in front of a live audience to deliver top-class presentations and win new business. Mariette’s coaching has groomed people in many different types of professional roles such as TV, Corporate, Sole Traders and Performers. These include senior engineers at Ford Motor Company and senior executives at various blue-chip listed companies including Heathrow Airports Holdings.

Michel Lubac, Executive Chairman & Co-founder, PHILEMONDAY AGENCY Senior Consultant for innovative projects, communication, advertising and digital marketing for more than twenty years. Specialisations in video production, traffic management, IT security architecture, GDPR compliance, encryption and blockchain. Michel have a pedagogical sense for transmission of knowledge and experiences. Michel is able to manage a team, he has a developed sense of decision making and creativity, rigor and team spirit.French PhD of Politicial Sciences.
Prestation de TEMPLATE E-MAILING :

Livrables :

- 1 HTML sur gabarit type responsive pour newsletter ou emailing
- Statistiques

Eléments graphiques fournis par vos soins sur la base d'un template (*) HTML vierge fourni par Philemonday Agency.

En supplément, conception graphique et éditorial à prévoir


Le routage de votre emailing est en supplément

Au delà merci de nous consulter

N’hésitez pas à nous contacter par e-mail ou par téléphone, à votre disposition.

Une simple question, c’est simple comme un coup de fil au  +44 (0) 560 384 6936, notre standard est à votre écoute, disponible en langue anglaise, française et espagnole.

Horaires ouverture du standard téléphonique : du lundi au vendredi 9:00 AM à 6:00 PM (UK time).

(*) Nos Templates Emailing sont impactant, responsive et personnalisable. Le livrable se présente sous la forme d'un fichier HTML prêt à la diffusion.


Service provided by Philemonday Network
Interview, clip vidéo et publicitaire, présentation, film institutionnel... chacun de nos projets de réalisation vidéo sur fond vert, en studio ou à l'extérieur demande toute l'attention d'une équipe de professionnels qui est à votre écoute pour réaliser la vidéo de vos rêves.

Une question, n’hésitez pas à consulter nos équipes en envoyant un email ou bien par téléphone au 09 54 17 07 76

Thursday, December 29, 2022

PM Videocast #40 Neil J. Campbell - Red River ManagementCo-Produced by Philemonday Agency and MyVoiceUK

Credits Music : J.W. MooreSources : © Philemonday Ltd. © MyVoiceUK Ltd.

November. 2022

Mariette Richardson BA Hons Performance Coach IoD Ambassador Digital and Creative Industries. Mariette is a professional performance coach, concentrating on improving appearing on camera as well as in front of a live audience to deliver top-class presentations and win new business. Mariette’s coaching has groomed people in many different types of professional roles such as TV, Corporate, Sole Traders and Performers. These include senior engineers at Ford Motor Company and senior executives at various blue-chip listed companies including Heathrow Airports Holdings.

Michel Lubac, Executive Chairman & Co-founder, PHILEMONDAY AGENCY Senior Consultant for innovative projects, communication, advertising and digital marketing for more than twenty years. Specialisations in video production, traffic management, IT security architecture, GDPR compliance, encryption and blockchain. Michel have a pedagogical sense for transmission of knowledge and experiences. Michel is able to manage a team, he has a developed sense of decision making and creativity, rigor and team spirit.French PhD of Politicial Sciences.
Mise à disposition de :

-   1 consultant sénior expert en publicité et media planning (5 jours)

Hors frais de déplacement


Service provided by Philemonday Network
Vous souhaitez tourner un film et assurer la diffusion d'un webcast, un webinar ou d'une conférence live : cet espace d'enregistrement vidéo est parfait pour mettre en œuvre votre projet vidéo.

Notre studio photo et vidéo est équipé d’un plateau avec cyclo vert 4 faces, il est adapté pour les tournages et les shoots photos, contactez-nous pour réaliser vos projets, nos équipes de réalisation vidéo sont à votre écoute à Lorient.

Une question, n’hésitez pas à consulter nos équipes en envoyant un email ou bien par téléphone au 09 54 17 07 76

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

PM Videocast #39 Albane McGuinness - Personal Brand PhotographerCo-Produced by Philemonday Agency and MyVoiceUK

Credits Music : J.W. MooreSources : © Philemonday Ltd. © MyVoiceUK Ltd.

November. 2022

Mariette Richardson BA Hons Performance Coach IoD Ambassador Digital and Creative Industries. Mariette is a professional performance coach, concentrating on improving appearing on camera as well as in front of a live audience to deliver top-class presentations and win new business. Mariette’s coaching has groomed people in many different types of professional roles such as TV, Corporate, Sole Traders and Performers. These include senior engineers at Ford Motor Company and senior executives at various blue-chip listed companies including Heathrow Airports Holdings.

Michel Lubac, Executive Chairman & Co-founder, PHILEMONDAY AGENCY Senior Consultant for innovative projects, communication, advertising and digital marketing for more than twenty years. Specialisations in video production, traffic management, IT security architecture, GDPR compliance, encryption and blockchain. Michel have a pedagogical sense for transmission of knowledge and experiences. Michel is able to manage a team, he has a developed sense of decision making and creativity, rigor and team spirit.French PhD of Politicial Sciences.
Prix indicatif, à partir de 1725 € / an
à confirmer selon le site web concerné et le rythme des publications.

Merci de nous consulter


Service provided by Philemonday Agency
Pour vos évènements : salons, expos, congrés, conférences…
Nous proposons un nouveau service de mise en scène sur mesure avec nos hélices de projection 3D (une technologie sans support, ni aucun équipement comme des lunettes de réalité virtuelle). Nous vous garantissons un effet magique, instantané et fascinant en termes d’expérience utilisateur.

Notre solution et nos services permettent de créer, contrôler et diffuser des vidéos 3D. L'effet holographique flottant dans l'air est fascinant. Grâce aux moyens de production du 3D Studio de l’Agence Maritimement Vôtre diffusez des animations à couper le souffle.

La solution 3D Studio de l’Agence Maritimement Vôtre permet sur un événement recevant du public :

- d’augmenter le nombre de visites
- de captiver le spectateur
- de susciter des émotions
- de renforcer l'innovation
- de susciter l'engagement vers votre entreprise ou organisation

Les hélices du 3D Studio de l’Agence Maritimement Vôtre sont particulièrement adaptées pour accompagner les problématiques marketing et communication.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

PM Videocast #38 Quinne Brown Huffman - Wellness Coach DoulaQuinneCo-Produced by Philemonday Agency and MyVoiceUK

Credits Music : J.W. MooreSources : © Philemonday Ltd. © MyVoiceUK Ltd.

November. 2022

Mariette Richardson BA Hons Performance Coach IoD Ambassador Digital and Creative Industries. Mariette is a professional performance coach, concentrating on improving appearing on camera as well as in front of a live audience to deliver top-class presentations and win new business. Mariette’s coaching has groomed people in many different types of professional roles such as TV, Corporate, Sole Traders and Performers. These include senior engineers at Ford Motor Company and senior executives at various blue-chip listed companies including Heathrow Airports Holdings.

Michel Lubac, Executive Chairman & Co-founder, PHILEMONDAY AGENCY Senior Consultant for innovative projects, communication, advertising and digital marketing for more than twenty years. Specialisations in video production, traffic management, IT security architecture, GDPR compliance, encryption and blockchain. Michel have a pedagogical sense for transmission of knowledge and experiences. Michel is able to manage a team, he has a developed sense of decision making and creativity, rigor and team spirit.French PhD of Politicial Sciences.
Création site web sur mesure 'Pack Advanced'
Mise à disposition de :

- 1 développeur full stack senior sur la base d'un forfait de 11 jours / homme

Merci de nous consulter pour un devis détaillé, n'hésitez pas à nous communiquer votre cahier des charges.

Prestation hors : rédaction du cahier des charges technique et fonctionnel

Hors frais de déplacement


Service provided by Philemonday Agency
Nous sommes une agence spécialisée dans la création de supports de communication 3D, Vidéo, Digital Web et Print

Affiches, flyers, brochures, catalogues, rapports d’activité, sites web, applications mobiles, motions et vidéos, rédactionnels, photos et publi-reportage, communiqués de presse, media training, organisation d’évènements, discours et éléments de langage, annonces textuelles et visuelles, infographies, modélisation 3D, réalité virtuelle, animations, spot publicitaire audio ou vidéo, film institutionnel, interview, emailings et news letter …

Consultez le 3D studio vidéo de l'Agence Maritimement Vôtre

Monday, December 26, 2022

PM Videocast #37 Dom Tyler - JunariCo-Produced by Philemonday Agency and MyVoiceUK

Credits Music : J.W. MooreSources : © Philemonday Ltd. © MyVoiceUK Ltd.

November. 2022

Mariette Richardson BA Hons Performance Coach IoD Ambassador Digital and Creative Industries. Mariette is a professional performance coach, concentrating on improving appearing on camera as well as in front of a live audience to deliver top-class presentations and win new business. Mariette’s coaching has groomed people in many different types of professional roles such as TV, Corporate, Sole Traders and Performers. These include senior engineers at Ford Motor Company and senior executives at various blue-chip listed companies including Heathrow Airports Holdings.

Michel Lubac, Executive Chairman & Co-founder, PHILEMONDAY AGENCY Senior Consultant for innovative projects, communication, advertising and digital marketing for more than twenty years. Specialisations in video production, traffic management, IT security architecture, GDPR compliance, encryption and blockchain. Michel have a pedagogical sense for transmission of knowledge and experiences. Michel is able to manage a team, he has a developed sense of decision making and creativity, rigor and team spirit.French PhD of Politicial Sciences.
Création site web e-commerce sur mesure 'Pack Responsive'

Merci de nous consulter pour un devis détaillé


Service provided by Philemonday Agency
Gagner des prospects

Vous cherchez à atteindre votre coeur de cible, vos prises de parole doivent toucher directement vos objectifs. Vous avez besoin de prospects qualifiés suscpetibles de convertir. Votre stratégie de communication et marketing digital génère t-elle des leads ?

Notre premier métier d’agence est le « conseil ». Par notre savoir-faire dans le monde de la communication digitale et print depuis plus de 25 ans, dans toutes les dimensions de la communication externe et interne nous sommes capables de vous conseiller sur la meilleure stratégie de communication afin d’atteindre vos objectifs..

Consultez nous pour gagner des prospects à l'aide des meilleures méthodes de marketing digital.

Friday, December 23, 2022

PM Videocast #36 Sema Kaya Ocakoglu - Mind The EducationCo-Produced by Philemonday Agency and MyVoiceUK

Credits Music : J.W. MooreSources : © Philemonday Ltd. © MyVoiceUK Ltd.

October. 2022

Mariette Richardson BA Hons Performance Coach IoD Ambassador Digital and Creative Industries. Mariette is a professional performance coach, concentrating on improving appearing on camera as well as in front of a live audience to deliver top-class presentations and win new business. Mariette’s coaching has groomed people in many different types of professional roles such as TV, Corporate, Sole Traders and Performers. These include senior engineers at Ford Motor Company and senior executives at various blue-chip listed companies including Heathrow Airports Holdings.

Michel Lubac, Executive Chairman & Co-founder, PHILEMONDAY AGENCY Senior Consultant for innovative projects, communication, advertising and digital marketing for more than twenty years. Specialisations in video production, traffic management, IT security architecture, GDPR compliance, encryption and blockchain. Michel have a pedagogical sense for transmission of knowledge and experiences. Michel is able to manage a team, he has a developed sense of decision making and creativity, rigor and team spirit.French PhD of Politicial Sciences.
Création site web sur mesure 'Pack Classic'

Merci de nous consulter pour un devis détaillé


Service provided by Philemonday Agency

Conseil en stratégie de communication : conception de plans de communication (notes de cadrage et veille stratégique, benchmarks et recommandations, plannings, …)


La création d’identité de marque (nom et identité de marque, slogans, identités visuelles et sonores, logotypes, chartes graphiques, …)


La création et diffusion de campagnes publicitaires (plan d’achat media on et off line, digital Ads serveurs, presse, radio, TV, ciblage, génération de trafic et de leads, optimisation et statistiques de performance …)


La création de supports de communication digital et print (Affiches, flyers, brochures, catalogues, rapports d’activité, sites web, applications mobiles, motions et vidéos, rédactionnels, photos et publi-reportage, communiqués de presse, media training, organisation d’évènements, discours et éléments de langage, annonces textuelles et visuelles, infographies, modélisation 3D, réalité virtuelle, animations, spot publicitaire audio ou vidéo, film institutionnel, interview, emailings et news letter …)
Bonnes fêtes de fin d'année
Nous vous souhaitons de belles fêtes de fin d'année

Rdv lundi 2 janvier 2023, d'ici là,"profitez bien !"


Thursday, December 22, 2022

PM Videocast #35 Sabina Kelly - Sabco Health & WelbeingCo-Produced by Philemonday Agency and MyVoiceUK

Credits Music : J.W. MooreSources : © Philemonday Ltd. © MyVoiceUK Ltd.

October. 2022

Mariette Richardson BA Hons Performance Coach IoD Ambassador Digital and Creative Industries. Mariette is a professional performance coach, concentrating on improving appearing on camera as well as in front of a live audience to deliver top-class presentations and win new business. Mariette’s coaching has groomed people in many different types of professional roles such as TV, Corporate, Sole Traders and Performers. These include senior engineers at Ford Motor Company and senior executives at various blue-chip listed companies including Heathrow Airports Holdings.

Michel Lubac, Executive Chairman & Co-founder, PHILEMONDAY AGENCY Senior Consultant for innovative projects, communication, advertising and digital marketing for more than twenty years. Specialisations in video production, traffic management, IT security architecture, GDPR compliance, encryption and blockchain. Michel have a pedagogical sense for transmission of knowledge and experiences. Michel is able to manage a team, he has a developed sense of decision making and creativity, rigor and team spirit.French PhD of Politicial Sciences.
pour  ‘Décideurs, Directeurs, Chefs d’Entreprise’

Prestation de media training comprenant :
- conseil en maîtrise orale et relationnelle face aux media TV
Prestation de media training comprenant :
- 1 Réunion de briefing 1 heure (sujet, contexte, problématiques individuelles et corporate...)
- Mise à disposition de 2 consultants senior en media training.
- Mise en situation : caméras, studio TV
- entrainements et réflexes face aux questions presse
- debriefing conseils et recommandations
- 4 séances de 2h réparties sur 4 à 6 semaines, agenda à déterminer.

- En supplément : Tarif hors frais de déplacement.
Une agence créative, orientée marketing dans le secteur maritime.

Renforcer votre marketing maintenant !

Vous êtes un acteur maritime qui participe au rayonnement de la « croissance bleue » en France. Vous souhaitez accélérer et renforcer votre stratégie marketing à l’aide des meilleures solutions digitales d’aujourd’hui.

Consultez nos experts de la communication dédiée au secteur maritime

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

PM Videocast #34 Mariette Richardson - MyVoiceUKCo-Produced by Philemonday Agency and MyVoiceUK

Credits Music : J.W. MooreSources : © Philemonday Ltd. © MyVoiceUK Ltd.

October. 2022

Mariette Richardson BA Hons Performance Coach IoD Ambassador Digital and Creative Industries. Mariette is a professional performance coach, concentrating on improving appearing on camera as well as in front of a live audience to deliver top-class presentations and win new business. Mariette’s coaching has groomed people in many different types of professional roles such as TV, Corporate, Sole Traders and Performers. These include senior engineers at Ford Motor Company and senior executives at various blue-chip listed companies including Heathrow Airports Holdings.

Michel Lubac, Executive Chairman & Co-founder, PHILEMONDAY AGENCY Senior Consultant for innovative projects, communication, advertising and digital marketing for more than twenty years. Specialisations in video production, traffic management, IT security architecture, GDPR compliance, encryption and blockchain. Michel have a pedagogical sense for transmission of knowledge and experiences. Michel is able to manage a team, he has a developed sense of decision making and creativity, rigor and team spirit.French PhD of Politicial Sciences.
pour  ‘Salon, Exposition, Congrès, Conférence’

Prestation de conseil en direction artistique et intégration de contenu multimedia comprenant :
- Prise de brief par DA (1h)
- Recommandation de Scénarisation, boucle animée de 3’30 à 6’
- Adaptation et post production des fichiers fournis
- Encodage et intégration en mémoire locale de l’hélice 3D (fonctionnement offline)
- Présentation de la projection sur Helice 3D pour validation sous 10 jours
- Navette et validation client (10 jours avant Event)

Fichiers fournis par vos soins : formats conseillés : image .png, animation .obj .video mp4 .mov

Inclus contrat de location et mise en place du matériel de location in situ

Captivez votre public avec la solution '3D Holographic' la plus avancée du marché.

Tarif hors frais de déplacement.
Les statistiques permettent de mesurer la performance de votre communication et marketing

Les outils de tracking et le big data permettent aujourd’hui de mesurer la plupart des parcours prospects et clients, tant sur leur smartphones et ordinateurs professionnels que sur leurs moyens privés de communication. Mais bien souvent ces données sont difficiles à analyser. Nous vous accompagnons dans la mesure et le pilotage de la performance marketing.

Confiez nous votre campagne de SEA (Search Engine Advertising). Maritimement Vôtre est une agence spécialisée en SEA, implantée à Lorient (Morbihan, 56)

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

PM Videocast #33 Sebastian Poncet - Bridge Start-Up FinanceCo-Produced by Philemonday Agency and MyVoiceUK

Credits Music : J.W. MooreSources : © Philemonday Ltd. © MyVoiceUK Ltd.

October. 2022

Mariette Richardson BA Hons Performance Coach IoD Ambassador Digital and Creative Industries. Mariette is a professional performance coach, concentrating on improving appearing on camera as well as in front of a live audience to deliver top-class presentations and win new business. Mariette’s coaching has groomed people in many different types of professional roles such as TV, Corporate, Sole Traders and Performers. These include senior engineers at Ford Motor Company and senior executives at various blue-chip listed companies including Heathrow Airports Holdings.

Michel Lubac, Executive Chairman & Co-founder, PHILEMONDAY AGENCY Senior Consultant for innovative projects, communication, advertising and digital marketing for more than twenty years. Specialisations in video production, traffic management, IT security architecture, GDPR compliance, encryption and blockchain. Michel have a pedagogical sense for transmission of knowledge and experiences. Michel is able to manage a team, he has a developed sense of decision making and creativity, rigor and team spirit.French PhD of Politicial Sciences.
Création d’un site web type « vitrine »

A partir de 1 967 € / 1 an

Merci de nous consulter pour un devis


Service provided by Philemonday Network
Nous vous proposons de bénéficier de notre expertise en matière de campagne marketing ou campagne media pour réaliser la création et diffusion de campagnes publicitaires(plan d’achat media on et off line, digital Ads serveurs, presse, radio, TV, ciblage, génération de trafic et de leads, optimisation et statistiques de performance …)

Notre métier : Administrer vos campagnes de E-marketing

- Prise du brief de ciblage de vos objectifs

- Préparation et intégration rédactionnel et visuel

- Analyse de vos méthodes de ciblage et de segmentation de vos audiences

- Paramétrages et ciblages : géographique, démographique, par centres d’intérêts, thématiques

- Pilotage de vos campagnes publicitaires sur les principaux « ads server » - Suivi et pilotagequotidien de votre campagne

- Reporting et bilan.

Monday, December 19, 2022

PM Videocast #32 Liz Merchant - Succeed in LanguagesCo-Produced by Philemonday Agency and MyVoiceUK

Credits Music : J.W. MooreSources : © Philemonday Ltd. © MyVoiceUK Ltd.

October. 2022

Mariette Richardson BA Hons Performance Coach IoD Ambassador Digital and Creative Industries. Mariette is a professional performance coach, concentrating on improving appearing on camera as well as in front of a live audience to deliver top-class presentations and win new business. Mariette’s coaching has groomed people in many different types of professional roles such as TV, Corporate, Sole Traders and Performers. These include senior engineers at Ford Motor Company and senior executives at various blue-chip listed companies including Heathrow Airports Holdings.

Michel Lubac, Executive Chairman & Co-founder, PHILEMONDAY AGENCY Senior Consultant for innovative projects, communication, advertising and digital marketing for more than twenty years. Specialisations in video production, traffic management, IT security architecture, GDPR compliance, encryption and blockchain. Michel have a pedagogical sense for transmission of knowledge and experiences. Michel is able to manage a team, he has a developed sense of decision making and creativity, rigor and team spirit.French PhD of Politicial Sciences.
Prestation hors Nom de domaine et hosting

Sur cahier des charges, à partir de 800 € (prix indicatif).

- Création site 'Pack One Page'

Merci de nous consulter pour un devis détaillé


Service provided by Philemonday Agency
pour  ‘Salon, Exposition, Congrès, Conférence’

Prestation de conseil en direction artistique et intégration de contenu multimedia comprenant :
- Prise de brief par DA (1h)
- Recommandation de Scénarisation, boucle animée de 3’30 à 6’
- Adaptation et post production des fichiers fournis
- Encodage et intégration en mémoire locale de l’hélice 3D (fonctionnement offline)
- Présentation de la projection sur Helice 3D pour validation sous 10 jours
- Navette et validation client (10 jours avant Event)

Fichiers fournis par vos soins : formats conseillés : image .png, animation .obj .video mp4 .mov

Inclus contrat de location et mise en place du matériel de location in situ

Captivez votre public avec la solution '3D Holographic' la plus avancée du marché.

Tarif hors frais de déplacement.
Comparé aux performances d’une publicité photo ou en infographie 2D, vous obtenez 2 fois plus de visibilité grâce à un message holographique.

4,5 fois plus de présence devant un stand disposant d’une animation 3D et surtout une résilience du message 60% plus longue et terme de mémorisation, de bouche-à-oreille et de partage instantané en social media.

Par rapport aux publicités imprimées classiques la perception positive de votre marque augmente de 19% en moyenne selon les études médias réalisées à travers 12 des plus grands salons internationaux ayant choisi depuis 2017 la technologie que nous vous proposons.

Choisir la solution 3D Studio de l’Agence Maritimement c’est 88% de votre public qui sera surpris par votre choix technologique et affichera sa curiosité pour votre marque, votre produit ou vos services.

Friday, December 16, 2022

PM Videocast #31 Ian West - One Marketing LtdCo-Produced by Philemonday Agency and MyVoiceUK

Credits Music : J.W. MooreSources : © Philemonday Ltd. © MyVoiceUK Ltd.

September. 2022

Mariette Richardson BA Hons Performance Coach IoD Ambassador Digital and Creative Industries. Mariette is a professional performance coach, concentrating on improving appearing on camera as well as in front of a live audience to deliver top-class presentations and win new business. Mariette’s coaching has groomed people in many different types of professional roles such as TV, Corporate, Sole Traders and Performers. These include senior engineers at Ford Motor Company and senior executives at various blue-chip listed companies including Heathrow Airports Holdings.

Michel Lubac, Executive Chairman & Co-founder, PHILEMONDAY AGENCY Senior Consultant for innovative projects, communication, advertising and digital marketing for more than twenty years. Specialisations in video production, traffic management, IT security architecture, GDPR compliance, encryption and blockchain. Michel have a pedagogical sense for transmission of knowledge and experiences. Michel is able to manage a team, he has a developed sense of decision making and creativity, rigor and team spirit.French PhD of Politicial Sciences.
Sur la base d'un forfait de 6 heures, mise à disposition à distance de :

- 1 consultant junior

Hors frais de déplacement


Service provided by Philemonday Network
Comment les HELICES 3D accompagnent elles votre plateforme de marque ?

Les hélices du 3D Studio de l’Agence Maritimement sont particulièrement adaptées pour accompagner les problématiques maritimes de marketing et communication suivantes :

- Lancements et activations de produits, de services ou de marques
- Offres saisonnières et promotions en cours
- Campagnes ou évènement de communication de votre marque hors ligne
- Éducation, culture et t divertissement
- Plateforme de marque employeur et problématique RH
- Vidéo corporate et vidéo d'entreprise

Thursday, December 15, 2022

PM Videocast #30 Louise Reader - Wellness Therapist at The Body Matters LtdCo-Produced by Philemonday Agency and MyVoiceUK

Credits Music : J.W. MooreSources : © Philemonday Ltd. © MyVoiceUK Ltd.

September. 2022

Mariette Richardson BA Hons Performance Coach IoD Ambassador Digital and Creative Industries. Mariette is a professional performance coach, concentrating on improving appearing on camera as well as in front of a live audience to deliver top-class presentations and win new business. Mariette’s coaching has groomed people in many different types of professional roles such as TV, Corporate, Sole Traders and Performers. These include senior engineers at Ford Motor Company and senior executives at various blue-chip listed companies including Heathrow Airports Holdings.

Michel Lubac, Executive Chairman & Co-founder, PHILEMONDAY AGENCY Senior Consultant for innovative projects, communication, advertising and digital marketing for more than twenty years. Specialisations in video production, traffic management, IT security architecture, GDPR compliance, encryption and blockchain. Michel have a pedagogical sense for transmission of knowledge and experiences. Michel is able to manage a team, he has a developed sense of decision making and creativity, rigor and team spirit.French PhD of Politicial Sciences.
Prestation forfaitaire de production de podcast.

Production audio de podcast

Si vous pensez à une publicité récente que vous avez vue et qui a attiré votre attention, il y a de fortes chances que ce soit un podcast. Qu'il vous fasse sourire, rire, réfléchir ou désirer un produit, le media audio a le pouvoir de vous faire «ressentir» quelque chose.

Solidity produit des interview podcast de présentation d'entreprise, des explications de produits, des publicités sur les réseaux sociaux, des annonces d'actualités ou tout ce que vous voulez que vos clients entendent. Et même si nous ne faisons pas de grandes productions de style hollywoodien, vous pouvez être sûr que les podcast que nous créons touchent à l’excellence.

Notre studio est prêt, tout ce que vous avez à faire est de discuter du projet avec nous, et nous sommes prêts à lancer vos projets de production podcast. C’est notre savoir faire.

Capturez votre prochain podcast avec l'équipe de Solidity Consulting.

Tarif hors frais de déplacement.
Forfait jour sur la base de la mise à disposition à distance de :

- 1 consultant senior expert en communication et marketing digital


Service provided by Philemonday Network
Notre savoir-faire en matière de scenarii 3D, sur des supports classiques et innovants, notre conseil en communication et marketing de proximité face à un public, va vous permettre d’organiser un évènement, un stand d’exposant, qui restera dans la mémoire de vos visiteurs.

La solution 3D Studio de l’Agence Maritimement permet sur un événement recevant du public de :

- Augmenter le nombre de visites
- Captiver le spectateur
- Susciter des émotions
- Renforcer l'innovation
- Susciter l'engagement

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

PM Videocast #29 Jessica Haines - Ryan Misler - Baobab Senegal Education Initiative Inc.

Co-Produced by Philemonday Agency and MyVoiceUK

Credits Music : J.W. MooreSources : © Philemonday Ltd. © MyVoiceUK Ltd.

September. 2022

Mariette Richardson BA Hons Performance Coach IoD Ambassador Digital and Creative Industries. Mariette is a professional performance coach, concentrating on improving appearing on camera as well as in front of a live audience to deliver top-class presentations and win new business. Mariette’s coaching has groomed people in many different types of professional roles such as TV, Corporate, Sole Traders and Performers. These include senior engineers at Ford Motor Company and senior executives at various blue-chip listed companies including Heathrow Airports Holdings.

Michel Lubac, Executive Chairman & Co-founder, PHILEMONDAY AGENCY Senior Consultant for innovative projects, communication, advertising and digital marketing for more than twenty years. Specialisations in video production, traffic management, IT security architecture, GDPR compliance, encryption and blockchain. Michel have a pedagogical sense for transmission of knowledge and experiences. Michel is able to manage a team, he has a developed sense of decision making and creativity, rigor and team spirit.French PhD of Politicial Sciences.
- 1 Consultant Senior expert en conseil en communication et digital marketing
- Consultation à distance (1 heure)
- Tarif horaire : 122 € HT



Service provided by Philemonday Agency
Nous vous proposons une technologie complète et intégrée qui permet de créer, contrôler et diffuser des vidéos 3D avec un effet holographique flottant dans l'air. Grâce au 3D Studio de l’Agence Maritimement diffusez des animations à vous couper le souffle. !

La solution 3D Studio de l’Agence Maritimement permet sur un événement recevant du public de :

- Augmenter le nombre de visites
- Captiver le spectateur
- Susciter des émotions
- Renforcer l'innovation
- Susciter l'engagement

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

PM Videocast #28 Aimee Alado-Blake - ABA Absolute SolutionsCo-Produced by Philemonday Agency and MyVoiceUK

Credits Music : J.W. MooreSources : © Philemonday Ltd. © MyVoiceUK Ltd.

September. 2022

Mariette Richardson BA Hons Performance Coach IoD Ambassador Digital and Creative Industries. Mariette is a professional performance coach, concentrating on improving appearing on camera as well as in front of a live audience to deliver top-class presentations and win new business. Mariette’s coaching has groomed people in many different types of professional roles such as TV, Corporate, Sole Traders and Performers. These include senior engineers at Ford Motor Company and senior executives at various blue-chip listed companies including Heathrow Airports Holdings.

Michel Lubac, Executive Chairman & Co-founder, PHILEMONDAY AGENCY Senior Consultant for innovative projects, communication, advertising and digital marketing for more than twenty years. Specialisations in video production, traffic management, IT security architecture, GDPR compliance, encryption and blockchain. Michel have a pedagogical sense for transmission of knowledge and experiences. Michel is able to manage a team, he has a developed sense of decision making and creativity, rigor and team spirit.French PhD of Politicial Sciences.
PRESTATION PRODUCTION VIDEO pour ‘Event, Salon, Exposition’ Prestation de production vidéo comprenant : - Prise de brief réalisateur : 5 vidéos de 3’ à 5’ ITW sur site  en langue FR ou ENG, avec sous titrage - Recommandation de Scénarisation par une version Beta- Captation : 5 tournages in situ pendant l'event- Réalisation, post production et habillage + Sous-Titrage - Encodage, prêt pour intégration en social media - Navette et validation client à + 15 jHors sous titrage traduction non fournieLivrable : 5 fichiers vidéo .mp4
Une technologie sans support, ni aucun équipement comme des lunettes de réalité virtuelle? Nous vous garantissons un effet magique, instantané et fascinant en termes d’expérience utilisateur.


Nous vous proposons une technologie complète et intégrée qui permet de créer, contrôler et diffuser des vidéos 3D avec un effet holographique flottant dans l'air. Grâce au 3D Studio de l’Agence Maritimement diffusez des animations à vous couper le souffle..


Vous souhaitez une démonstration, visitez notre Showroom 3D Studio (sur RDV) en utilisant le formulaire ci-dessous.

Monday, December 12, 2022

Linda Doe - Apana Business Psychology

PM Videocast #42 Linda Doe - Apana Business Psychology LtdCo-Produced by Philemonday Agency and MyVoiceUK

Credits Music : J.W. MooreSources : © Philemonday Ltd. © MyVoiceUK Ltd.

December. 2022

Mariette Richardson BA Hons Performance Coach IoD Ambassador Digital and Creative Industries. Mariette is a professional performance coach, concentrating on improving appearing on camera as well as in front of a live audience to deliver top-class presentations and win new business. Mariette’s coaching has groomed people in many different types of professional roles such as TV, Corporate, Sole Traders and Performers. These include senior engineers at Ford Motor Company and senior executives at various blue-chip listed companies including Heathrow Airports Holdings.

Michel Lubac, Executive Chairman & Co-founder, PHILEMONDAY AGENCY Senior Consultant for innovative projects, communication, advertising and digital marketing for more than twenty years. Specialisations in video production, traffic management, IT security architecture, GDPR compliance, encryption and blockchain. Michel have a pedagogical sense for transmission of knowledge and experiences. Michel is able to manage a team, he has a developed sense of decision making and creativity, rigor and team spirit.French PhD of Politicial Sciences.

Monday, December 05, 2022

Michael Beckett - Colchester Foodbank charity's CEO

PM Videocast #41 Michael Beckett - Colchester Foodbank charity's CEOCo-Produced by Philemonday Agency and MyVoiceUK

Credits Music : J.W. MooreSources : © Philemonday Ltd. © MyVoiceUK Ltd.

December. 2022

Mariette Richardson BA Hons Performance Coach IoD Ambassador Digital and Creative Industries. Mariette is a professional performance coach, concentrating on improving appearing on camera as well as in front of a live audience to deliver top-class presentations and win new business. Mariette’s coaching has groomed people in many different types of professional roles such as TV, Corporate, Sole Traders and Performers. These include senior engineers at Ford Motor Company and senior executives at various blue-chip listed companies including Heathrow Airports Holdings.

Michel Lubac, Executive Chairman & Co-founder, PHILEMONDAY AGENCY Senior Consultant for innovative projects, communication, advertising and digital marketing for more than twenty years. Specialisations in video production, traffic management, IT security architecture, GDPR compliance, encryption and blockchain. Michel have a pedagogical sense for transmission of knowledge and experiences. Michel is able to manage a team, he has a developed sense of decision making and creativity, rigor and team spirit.French PhD of Politicial Sciences.
Réalisation vidéo et studio 3D
Vous souhaitez tourner un film et assurer la diffusion d'un webcast, un webinar ou d'une conférence live : cet espace d'enregistrement vidéo est parfait pour mettre en œuvre votre projet vidéo.. L'agence vous propose des solutions de réalisation vidéo sur mesure.

Notre studio photo et vidéo est équipé d’un plateau avec cyclo vert 4 faces, il est adapté pour les tournages et les shoots photos, contactez-nous pour réaliser vos projets, nos équipes de réalisation vidéo sont à votre écoute à Lorient.

Une question, n’hésitez pas à consulter nos équipes en envoyant un email ou bien par téléphone au 09 54 17 07 76